What we do

Levelling up in sheffield

EQUAL COMMUNITIES are on a mission to help individuals throughout Sheffield by offering customised support that meets the specific needs of those facing challenges such as poverty, economic inactivity, ill-health, long-term unemployment, mental illness, homelessness, and marginalisation. Our staff are trained to address the unique needs of each individual we serve through effective and bespoke ‘Information, Advice and Guidance’. We are dedicated to ensuring that everyone receives the support and assistance they require to thrive through ‘critical friend’ led mentorship, advocacy and community activism.

We deliver employability programmes and community led schemes that build pathways to employment for those who face significant barriers. Our team of staff and volunteers help people build skills, confidence, and self-esteem from within the communities in which people live. We work alongside employers and their social value objectives to ringfence jobs for local people and link these opportunities to the residents and communities we support.

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