Equal Communities is committed to supporting elderly residents in our communities and recognise the important role they can play in helping to shape stronger, more resilient and nicer places to live and work. We run a number of projects that are aimed at supporting older residents remain active participants of their community:
‘Active Walk and Talk’ is aimed at helping older residents remain active and enjoy time in nature with peers and friends.
‘Back to Work’ is a dedicated keyworker led scheme to help retired people looking to go back into employed roles part time.
‘Loneliness and isolation groups’ are designed to help elderly people feel better connected to their communities through group discussions, activity sessions, sports, community volunteering and meal groups.
‘Community Bridging’ groups integrate young people and elderly people around discussions of their often very separate ‘worlds’ and ‘lived experiences’. Group participants act as mentors to one another by sharing experiences and skills that may help impact and benefit their day-to-day lives. This innovative intergenerational mentorship programme is designed to pass on skills, explore perspectives and help bring communities better together.